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Community Energy Fortnight Event With Hackney Energy

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On Saturday 20th September, between 12pm – 2pm, as part of Community Energy Fortnight, Hackney Energy will be hosting an event at Homerton Grove Adventure Playground to celebrate the recent re-commission of the solar pv system

Community Energy Fortnight is taking place between 13th – 28th September, offering people the chance to explore and celebrate how communities across the UK are generating, owning and saving energy. One of the main aims of Community Energy Fortnight is to engage and inspire people about the benefits of community energy and encourage groups to set up their own projects.

Please come along on Saturday 20th September and bring your kids to see the new panels, learn about solar and the plans that Hackney Energy have for the borough, and if you like, why not let us know your own thoughts on renewables in the area.  

We look forward to seeing you there. 

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