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Hackney Energy Exceed Community Energy Fundraising Target

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At the beginning of the month, Hackney Energy launched a ‘share offer’, giving local people the opportunity to invest in Hackney’s first ever community energy project, centred around the Banister House Estate. The fundraising target was set at £142,000 and we’re delighted to say earlier this week, when the offer closed, Hackney Energy not only reached that figure, but exceeded it

Reaching the share offer target is a wonderful boost, not just for renewable energy, but the local community and residents of the Banister House Estate, who will benefit. In the coming months, Athena Electrical will be installing 102kWp of solar electric (photovoltaic) panels on 14 housing blocks on the estate. We’re looking forward to continuing to work with the enthusiastic young people who live there, and who over the last year have been learning about the co-operative model, solar technology and energy efficiency. They’ll also be gaining paid work experience whilst helping Viv and the Athena Electrical team in the installation process. 

The whole project has been made possible and supported by Repowering London who have already set up and continue to run similar community energy projects in south London, and Hackney Council. A special mention should also be made to the 116 local people who have supported the generation of solar power in Hackney and taken a small, but important step to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, by investing in Banister House Solar. 

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