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Hackney Energy's Banister House Interns Get Special Mention in Hackney Citizen

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We recently told you about a project we were involved with at Homerton Grove Adventure Playground in Hackney, to find out why the solar panels they had installed 20 years ago had stopped working and see if we could fix the problem.

With the help of some interns from Hackney Energy's first community energy co-op at the nearby Banister House Estate, we managed to solve the problem and get their solar working again.

Our combined efforts have been written about by the Hackney Citizen in a great article that highlights the importance of a solar future, accompanied by a quote from Green Party MEP for London Jean Lambert who came along for the launch of the new solar system. It also talks about how one of the interns has been inspired by learning about solar energy to use it to benefit communities in countries that are unable to rely on their own energy providers for electricity. 

It's wonderful to see a small solar project in Hackney having such a positive effect.

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