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New Community Energy Initiative Set Up In Hackney

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Following in the footsteps of Brixton Energy, we are delighted that a local energy community group was set up last month in Hackney. Not surprisingly, the initiative has caused considerable interest in the local press and with residents, eager to find out what kind of difference this could make to Hackney.

Hackney Energy is a not-for-profit organisation whose aim will be to work towards a positive future for the borough by setting up and managing energy co-operatives; its focus being the local community and sustainability. 

The main issues Hackney Energy will tackle are social and environmental and the idea in essence is quite simple. The community invest in Hackney Energy themselves so that they can launch projects, such as installing renewable energy sources on buildings. The income generated, then goes towards further projects, bringing about positive change. 

Hackney Energy has arrived at a time when more and more people are beginning to question the role and ethical status of the major UK energy companies, known collectively as ‘the big 6’.  As customers become more disillusioned with the service they are being provided, the cost of energy and the manner in which many of these companies seem to operate, it's not surprising that community run energy co-operatives such as Hackney Energy seem, not only a positive change, but a very viable alternative. It is perhaps no coincidence that a recent survey by Which! (the consumer watchdog) placed two renewable energy companies Good Energy and Ecotricity top of the list of the UK’s energy suppliers. 

Hackney Energy is run by local residents in partnership with Re-Powering London and there are numerous ways you can get involved, whether by volunteering, attending community meetings or through donations. As the projects gather momentum, there’ll also be an opportunity for work experience, not only learning about the management and running of an energy co-operative, but getting hands on experience with solar installations. 

We look forward to writing about Hackney Energy’s first project in the not too distant future. 

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